
The Bronze Bow

The Bronze Bow: by Elizabeth George Speare
Rating: 10
Recommended Reading Age: 12

Though not terribly challenging to read, this book is an excellent story about the time of Jesus. The story is about a young man who is part of a guerrilla rebel band. They are bitter about the Roman conquest of Israel and are waiting for the Messiah to come, who they envision as a great military leader coming to beat back the Romans.

The main character, Daniel, is one of the most bitter because of the cruelty inflicted on his family by the Romans. Through a complex series of events he is forced to leave the rebel band. He lives in the village, caring for his mentally troubled sister. He eventually meets Jesus and subsequently has to let go of his preconceived notion of a vengeance-wreaking Messiah. The climax is very touching (I don't usually cry with books, but I think that I cried at the end of this one). I really love this book, it has a wonderful plot as well as some good points to help understand this period of Ancient and Jewish history.


Anonymous said...

I read that book, though I forgot what it is about. I really like to read too. I'm also 13 years old and I am a christian. I love to praise God. I have to finish looking at your blog, so bye!!!

Lauren Ann

Livi said...

When I first read this book I thought it very dull and boring, but I read it again a couple of years ago and I changed my opinion completely!! Cool blog by the way! =)